WeaponMod константы
Версия от 12:08, 14 июня 2013; Nikita (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: « == Максимальное количество доступного оружия == #define MAX_WEAPONS 32 == Отскакивающие гильзы ==…»)
- 1 Максимальное количество доступного оружия
- 2 Отскакивающие гильзы
- 3 Громкость звуков оружия
- 4 Вспышки
- 5 Фраги оружия
- 6 Разброс оружия
- 8 Grenade explosion flags
- 9 Анимация игрока
- 10 Форварды для аммобоксов
- 11 Типы форвардов для оружия
- 12 Информация о патронах
- 13 Информация о предметах
- 14 Оффсеты
Максимальное количество доступного оружия
#define MAX_WEAPONS 32
Отскакивающие гильзы
#define TE_BOUNCE_NULL 0 // Без звука. #define TE_BOUNCE_SHELL 1 // Обычная гильза. #define TE_BOUNCE_SHOTSHELL 2 // Гильза от патронов для дробовиков.
Громкость звуков оружия
#define LOUD_GUN_VOLUME 1000 #define NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME 600 #define QUIET_GUN_VOLUME 200
#define BRIGHT_GUN_FLASH 512 #define NORMAL_GUN_FLASH 256 #define DIM_GUN_FLASH 128
Фраги оружия
#define ITEM_FLAG_SELECTONEMPTY 1 #define ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD 2 #define ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY 4 #define ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD 8 #define ITEM_FLAG_EXHAUSTIBLE 16 // A player can totally exhaust their ammo supply and lose this weapon
Разброс оружия
#define VECTOR_CONE_1DEGREES Float:{ 0.00873, 0.00873, 0.00873 } #define VECTOR_CONE_2DEGREES Float:{ 0.01745, 0.01745, 0.01745 } #define VECTOR_CONE_3DEGREES Float:{ 0.02618, 0.02618, 0.02618 } #define VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES Float:{ 0.03490, 0.03490, 0.03490 } #define VECTOR_CONE_5DEGREES Float:{ 0.04362, 0.04362, 0.04362 } #define VECTOR_CONE_6DEGREES Float:{ 0.05234, 0.05234, 0.05234 } #define VECTOR_CONE_7DEGREES Float:{ 0.06105, 0.06105, 0.06105 } #define VECTOR_CONE_8DEGREES Float:{ 0.06976, 0.06976, 0.06976 } #define VECTOR_CONE_9DEGREES Float:{ 0.07846, 0.07846, 0.07846 } #define VECTOR_CONE_10DEGREES Float:{ 0.08716, 0.08716, 0.08716 } #define VECTOR_CONE_15DEGREES Float:{ 0.13053, 0.13053, 0.13053 } #define VECTOR_CONE_20DEGREES Float:{ 0.17365, 0.17365, 0.17365 }
#define CLASS_NONE 0 #define CLASS_MACHINE 1 #define CLASS_PLAYER 2 #define CLASS_HUMAN_PASSIVE 3 #define CLASS_HUMAN_MILITARY 4 #define CLASS_ALIEN_MILITARY 5 #define CLASS_ALIEN_PASSIVE 6 #define CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER 7 #define CLASS_ALIEN_PREY 8 #define CLASS_ALIEN_PREDATOR 9 #define CLASS_INSECT 10 #define CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY 11 #define CLASS_PLAYER_BIOWEAPON 12 // Hornets and snarks, launched by players #define CLASS_ALIEN_BIOWEAPON 13 // Hornets and snarks, launched by the alien menace
Grenade explosion flags
#define SF_EXPLOSION_NODAMAGE ( 1 << 0 ) // When set, explosion will not actually inflict damage #define SF_EXPLOSION_NOFIREBALL ( 1 << 1 ) // Don't draw the fireball #define SF_EXPLOSION_NOSMOKE ( 1 << 2 ) // Don't draw the smoke #define SF_EXPLOSION_NODECAL ( 1 << 3 ) // Don't make a scorch mark #define SF_EXPLOSION_NOSPARKS ( 1 << 4 ) // Don't make a sparks #define SF_EXPLOSION_NODEBRIS ( 1 << 5 ) // Don't make a debris sound
Анимация игрока
Форварды для аммобоксов
enum e_AmmoFwds { /** * Forward params for all functions: * * @param iItem Ammobox's entity index. */ Fwd_Ammo_Spawn, /* This is called whenever a ammobox entity is created. */ Fwd_Ammo_AddAmmo, Fwd_Ammo_End };
Типы форвардов для оружия
enum e_WpnFwds { /** * Forward params for all functions: * * @param iItem Weapon's entity index. * @param iPlayer Player index, owner of weapon. * @param iClip Amount of ammo in weapon's clip. * @param iAmmo Amount of ammo in backpack on a user for weapon. */ Fwd_Wpn_Spawn, /* This is called whenever a weapon entity is created. */ Fwd_Wpn_CanDeploy, /* Whether or not this weapon can be deployed. */ Fwd_Wpn_Deploy, /* Deploys a weapon. */ Fwd_Wpn_Idle, /* Displays the idle animation for the weapon. */ Fwd_Wpn_PrimaryAttack, /* Called when the main attack of a weapon is triggered. */ Fwd_Wpn_SecondaryAttack, /* Called when the secondary attack of a weapon is triggered. */ Fwd_Wpn_Reload, /* Called when the weapon is reloaded. */ Fwd_Wpn_CanHolster, /* Whether or not the weapon can be holstered. */ Fwd_Wpn_Holster, /* Holsters a weapon. */ Fwd_Wpn_IsUseable, /* Whether or not the weapon is usable. (has ammo, etc.) */ Fwd_Wpn_AddToPlayer, Fwd_Wpn_AddToPlayer2, Fwd_Wpn_ItemPostFrame, Fwd_Wpn_End };
Информация о патронах
enum e_AmmoInfo { AmmoInfo_szName, AmmoInfo_End };
Информация о предметах
enum e_ItemInfo { ItemInfo_bCustom, ItemInfo_iSlot, ItemInfo_iPosition, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo2, ItemInfo_iMaxClip, ItemInfo_iId, ItemInfo_iFlags, ItemInfo_iWeight, ItemInfo_szName, ItemInfo_szAmmo1, ItemInfo_szAmmo2, ItemInfo_szTitle, ItemInfo_szAuthor, ItemInfo_szVersion, ItemInfo_End };
enum e_Offsets { // Weapon Offset_flStartThrow, Offset_flReleaseThrow, Offset_iChargeReady, Offset_iInAttack, Offset_iFireState, Offset_iFireOnEmpty, // True when the gun is empty and the player is still holding down the attack key(s). Offset_flPumpTime, Offset_iInSpecialReload, // Are we in the middle of a reload for the shotguns. Offset_flNextPrimaryAttack, // Soonest time ItemPostFrame will call PrimaryAttack. Offset_flNextSecondaryAttack, // Soonest time ItemPostFrame will call SecondaryAttack. Offset_flTimeWeaponIdle, // Soonest time ItemPostFrame will call WeaponIdle. Offset_iPrimaryAmmoType, // "Primary" ammo index into players m_rgAmmo[]. Offset_iSecondaryAmmoType, // "Secondary" ammo index into players m_rgAmmo[]. Offset_iClip, // Number of shots left in the primary weapon clip, -1 it not used. Offset_iInReload, // Are we in the middle of a reload. Offset_iDefaultAmmo, // How much ammo you get when you pick up this weapon as placed by a level designer. // Player Offset_flNextAttack, // Cannot attack again until this time. Offset_iWeaponVolume, // How loud the player's weapon is right now. Offset_iWeaponFlash, // Brightness of the weapon flash. Offset_iLastHitGroup, // The last body region that took damage. Offset_iFOV, // Field of view. // Custom (for weapon and "info_target" entities only) Offset_iuser1, Offset_iuser2, Offset_iuser3, Offset_iuser4, Offset_fuser1, Offset_fuser2, Offset_fuser3, Offset_fuser4, Offset_End }; <pre> == Прочее == <pre> enum e_CBase { // Weapon CBase_pPlayer, CBase_pNext, // Player CBase_rgpPlayerItems, CBase_pActiveItem, CBase_pLastItem, CBase_End };