- 1 hl_wpnmod.inc
- 1.1 wpnmod_register_weapon
- 1.2 wpnmod_register_weapon_forward
- 1.3 wpnmod_get_weapon_info
- 1.4 wpnmod_get_weapon_count
- 1.5 wpnmod_register_ammobox
- 1.6 wpnmod_register_ammobox_forward
- 1.7 wpnmod_get_ammobox_info
- 1.8 wpnmod_get_ammobox_count
- 1.9 wpnmod_set_think
- 1.10 wpnmod_set_touch
- 1.11 wpnmod_send_weapon_anim
- 1.12 wpnmod_set_player_anim
- 1.13 wpnmod_set_anim_ext
- 1.14 wpnmod_get_anim_ext
- 1.15 wpnmod_set_offset_int
- 1.16 wpnmod_get_offset_int
- 1.17 wpnmod_set_offset_float
- 1.18 wpnmod_get_offset_float
- 1.19 wpnmod_set_offset_cbase
- 1.20 wpnmod_get_offset_cbase
- 1.21 wpnmod_default_deploy
- 1.22 wpnmod_default_reload
- 1.23 wpnmod_reset_empty_sound
- 1.24 wpnmod_play_empty_sound
- 1.25 wpnmod_fire_bullets
- 1.26 wpnmod_fire_contact_grenade
- 1.27 wpnmod_fire_timed_grenade
- 1.28 wpnmod_radius_damage
- 1.29 wpnmod_radius_damage2
- 1.30 wpnmod_clear_multi_damage
- 1.31 wpnmod_apply_multi_damage
- 1.32 wpnmod_eject_brass
- 1.33 wpnmod_create_item
- 1.34 wpnmod_get_player_ammo
- 1.35 wpnmod_set_player_ammo
- 1.36 wpnmod_get_damage_decal
- 1.37 wpnmod_get_gun_position
- 1.38 wpnmod_explode_entity
- 1.39 wpnmod_decal_trace
- 1.40 wpnmod_trace_texture
Регистрация нового оружия. Возвращает ID зарегистрированного оружия или -1 в случае ошибки.
native wpnmod_register_weapon(const szName[], const iSlot, const iPosition, const szAmmo1[], const iMaxAmmo1, const szAmmo2[], const, iMaxAmmo2, const iMaxClip, const iFlags, const iWeight);
szName | Имя оружия |
iSlot | ID слота от 1 до 5 |
iPosition | Позиция в слоте от 1 до 5 |
szAmmo1 | Тип патронов основной атаки ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.). |
iMaxAmmo1 | Максимальное количество патронов в обойме для основной атаки |
szAmmo2 | Тип патронов вторичной атаки |
iMaxAmmo2 | Максимальное количество патронов в обойме для вторичной атаки |
iMaxClip | Максимальное количество переносимых игроком патронов (в обойме не считается) |
iFlags | Флаги оружия (смотри константы). |
iWeight | Вес оружия (для автопереключения |
Регистрирует форвард оружия.
native wpnmod_register_weapon_forward(const iWeaponID, const e_WpnFwds: iForward, const szCallBack[]);
iWeaponID | ID оружия |
iForward | Forward type to register. |
szCallBack | The forward to call |
Returns any ItemInfo variable for weapon. Use the e_ItemInfo_* enum.
native wpnmod_get_weapon_info(const iId, const e_ItemInfo: iInfoType, any:...);
iId | The ID of registered weapon or weapon entity Id. |
iInfoType | ItemInfo type |
return Weapon's ItemInfo variable.
Возвращает количество зарегистрированного оружия.
native wpnmod_get_weapon_count();
Регистрация нового аммобокса в модуле.
native wpnmod_register_ammobox(const szClassname[]);
szName | Название аммобокса ("uranium", "9mm", "my_ammo" и т.д.) |
Регистрирует форвард аммобокса
native wpnmod_register_ammobox_forward(const iWeaponID, const e_AmmoFwds: iForward, const szCallBack[]);
iAmmoboxID | The ID of registered ammobox |
iForward | Forward type to register |
szCallBack | The forward to call |
Returns any AmmoInfo variable for ammobox. Use the e_AmmoInfo_* enum.
native wpnmod_get_ammobox_info(const iId, const e_AmmoInfo: iInfoType, any:...);
iId | The ID of registered ammobox or ammobox entity Id |
iInfoType | e_AmmoInfo_* type |
return Ammobox's AmmoInfo variable.
Возвращает количество зарегистрированных аммобоксов.
native wpnmod_get_ammobox_count();
Sets weapon's think function. Analogue of set_task native.
native wpnmod_set_think(const iItem, const szCallBack[]);
iItem | Weapon's entity index |
szCallBack | The forward to call |
Sets entity's touch function.
native wpnmod_set_touch(const iEntity, const szCallBack[]);
iEntity | Entity index |
szCallBack | The forward to call |
Играть анимацию оружия.
native wpnmod_send_weapon_anim(const iItem, const iAnim);
iItem | Weapon's entity index. |
iAnim | Sequence number. |
Sets the activity for player based on an event or current state.
native wpnmod_set_player_anim(const iPlayer, const PLAYER_ANIM: iPlayerAnim);
iPlayer | Player index. |
iPlayerAnim | Animation (see PLAYER_ANIM constants). |
Set animation extension for player.
native wpnmod_set_anim_ext(const iPlayer, const szAnimExt[]);
iPlayer | Player id. |
szAnimExt[] | Animation extension prefix. |
Get animation extension for player.
native wpnmod_get_anim_ext(const iPlayer, szDest[], iMaxLen);
iPlayer | Player id. |
szDest[] | Buffer. |
iMaxLen | Max buffer size. |
Sets an integer from private data.
native wpnmod_set_offset_int(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset, const iValue);
iEntity | Entity index. |
iOffset | Offset (see e_Offsets constants). |
iValue | Value. |
Returns an integer from private data.
native wpnmod_get_offset_int(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset);
iEntity | Entity index. |
iOffset | Offset (see e_Offsets constants). |
return value from private data. (integer)
Sets a float from private data.
native wpnmod_set_offset_float(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset, const Float: flValue);
iEntity | Entity index. |
iOffset | Offset (see e_Offsets constants). |
flValue | Value. |
Returns a float from private data.
native Float: wpnmod_get_offset_float(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset);
iEntity | Entity index. |
iOffset | Offset (see e_Offsets constants). |
return value from private data. (float)
Set the corresponding cbase field in private data with the index.
native wpnmod_set_offset_cbase(const iEntity, const e_CBase: iOffset, const iValue, const iExtraOffset = 0);
iEntity | The entity to examine the private data |
iOffset | Offset (See e_CBase constants) |
iValue | The index to store |
iExtraOffset | The extra offset |
This will return an index of the corresponding cbase field in private data.
native wpnmod_get_offset_cbase(const iEntity, const e_CBase: iOffset, const iExtraOffset = 0);
iEntity | The entity to examine the private data. |
iOffset | Offset (See e_CBase constants). |
iExtraOffset | The extra offset. |
return value from private data. (integer)
Default deploy function.
native wpnmod_default_deploy(const iItem, const szViewModel[], const szWeaponModel[], const iAnim, const szAnimExt[]);
iItem | Weapon's entity index. |
szViewModel | Weapon's view model (V) |
szWeaponModel | Weapon's player model (P) |
iAnim | Sequence number of deploy animation |
szAnimExt | Animation extension |
Default reload function.
native wpnmod_default_reload(const iItem, const iClipSize, const iAnim, const Float: flDelay);
iItem | Weapon's entity index |
iClipSize | Maximum weapon's clip size |
iAnim | Sequence number of reload animation |
flDelay | Reload delay time |
Sets the weapon so that it can play empty sound again.
native wpnmod_reset_empty_sound(const iItem);
iItem | Индекс энтити оружия |
Plays the weapon's empty sound.
native wpnmod_play_empty_sound(const iItem);
iItem | Weapon's entity index. |
Выстрел из оружия.
native wpnmod_fire_bullets(const iPlayer, const iAttacker, const iShotsCount, const Float: vecSpread[3], const Float: flDistance, const Float: flDamage, const bitsDamageType, const iTracerFreq);
iPlayer | Player index. |
iAttacker | Attacker index (usualy it equal to previous param). |
iShotsCount | Number of shots. |
vecSpread | Spread. |
flDistance | Max shot distance. |
flDamage | Damage amount. |
bitsDamageType | Damage type |
iTracerFreq | Tracer frequancy |
Fire default contact grenade from player's weapon.
native wpnmod_fire_contact_grenade(const iPlayer, const Float: vecStart[3], const Float: vecVelocity[3], const szCallBack[] = "");
iPlayer | Player index |
vecStart | Start position |
vecVelocity | Velocity |
szCallBack | The forward to call on explode |
return contact grenade index or -1 on failure. (integer)
Fire default timed grenade from player's weapon.
native wpnmod_fire_timed_grenade(const iPlayer, const Float: vecStart[3], const Float: vecVelocity[3], const Float: flTime = 3.0, const szCallBack[] = "");
iPlayer | Player index. |
vecStart | Start position. |
vecVelocity | Velocity. |
flTime | Time before detonate. |
szCallBack | The forward to call on explode. |
return contact grenade index or -1 on failure. (integer)
Make damage upon entities within a certain range. Only damage ents that can clearly be seen by the explosion.
native wpnmod_radius_damage(const Float: vecSrc[3], const iInflictor, const iAttacker, const Float: flDamage, const Float: flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType);
vecSrc | Origin of explosion. |
iInflictor | Entity which causes the damage impact. |
iAttacker | Attacker index. |
flDamage | Damage amount. |
flRadius | Damage radius. |
iClassIgnore | Class to ignore. |
bitsDamageType | (DMG_BLAST and etc). |
Same as wpnmod_radius_damage, but blocks 'ghost mines' and 'ghost nades'.
native wpnmod_radius_damage2(const Float: vecSrc[3], const iInflictor, const iAttacker, const Float: flDamage, const Float: flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType);
vecSrc | Origin of explosion. |
iInflictor | Entity which causes the damage impact. |
iAttacker | Attacker index. |
flDamage | Damage amount. |
flRadius | Damage radius. |
iClassIgnore | Class to ignore. |
bitsDamageType | (DMG_BLAST and etc). |
Resets the global multi damage accumulator.
native wpnmod_clear_multi_damage();
Inflicts contents of global multi damage register on entity.
native wpnmod_apply_multi_damage(const iInflictor, const iAttacker);
iInflictor | Entity which causes the damage impact. |
iAttacker | Attacker index. |
Eject a brass from player's weapon.
native wpnmod_eject_brass(const iPlayer, const iShellModelIndex, const iSoundtype, const Float: flForwardScale, const Float: flUpScale, const Float: flRightScale);
iPlayer | Player index. |
iShellModelIndex | Index of precached shell's model. |
iSoundtype | Bounce sound type (see defines). |
flForwardScale | Forward scale value. |
flUpScale | Up scale value. |
flRightScale | Right scale value. |
Spawn an item by name.
native wpnmod_create_item(const szName[], const Float: vecOrigin[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, const Float: vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
szName | Item's name |
vecOrigin | Origin were to spawn |
vecAngles | Angles |
return item entity index or -1 on failure. (integer)
Получает количество патронов заданного типа у игрока.
native wpnmod_get_player_ammo(const iPlayer, const szAmmoName[]);
iPlayer | ID игрока |
szAmmoName | Название типа патронов ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.) |
Set player's ammo inventory.
native wpnmod_set_player_ammo(const iPlayer, const szAmmoName[], const iAmount);
iPlayer | ID игрока |
szAmmoName | Название типа патронов ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.) |
iAmount | Количество патронов |
Returns index of random damage decal for given entity.
native wpnmod_get_damage_decal(const iEntity);
iEntity | Энтити |
return Index of damage decal. (integer)
Get player's gun position. Result will set in vecResult.
native wpnmod_get_gun_position(const iPlayer, Float: vecResult[3], const Float: flForwardScale = 1.0, const Float: flRightScale = 1.0, const Float: flUpScale = 1.0);
iPlayer | Player index |
vecResult | Calculated gun position |
flForwardScale | Forward scale value |
flUpScale | Up scale value |
flRightScale | Right scale value |
Explode and then remove entity.
native wpnmod_explode_entity(const iEntity, const bitsDamageType = 0, const szCallBack[] = "");
Draw decal by index or name on trace end.
native wpnmod_decal_trace(const iTrace, const iDecalIndex = -1, const szDecalName[] = "");
iTrace | Trace handler. |
iDecalIndex | Decal index. |
szDecalName | Decal name. |
Detects the texture of an entity from a direction.
native wpnmod_trace_texture(const iEntity, const Float: vecSrc[3], const Float: vecEnd[3], szTextureName[], const iLen);
iEntity | Entity index that we want to get the texture. |
vecSrc | The point from where the trace starts. |
vecEnd | The point where the trace ends. |
szTextureName | Buffer to save the texture name. |
iLen | Buffer's length. |