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Регистрация нового оружия. Возвращает ID зарегистрированного оружия или -1 в случае ошибки.

native wpnmod_register_weapon(const szName[], const iSlot, const iPosition, const szAmmo1[], const iMaxAmmo1, const szAmmo2[], const,  iMaxAmmo2, const iMaxClip, const iFlags, const iWeight);

szName Имя оружия
iSlot ID слота от 1 до 5
iPosition Позиция в слоте от 1 до 5
szAmmo1 Тип патронов основной атаки ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.).
iMaxAmmo1 Максимальное количество патронов в обойме для основной атаки
szAmmo2 Тип патронов вторичной атаки
iMaxAmmo2 Максимальное количество патронов в обойме для вторичной атаки
iMaxClip Максимальное количество переносимых игроком патронов (в обойме не считается)
iFlags Флаги оружия (смотри константы).
iWeight Вес оружия (для автопереключения


Регистрирует форвард оружия.

native wpnmod_register_weapon_forward(const iWeaponID, const e_WpnFwds: iForward, const szCallBack[]);

iWeaponID ID оружия
iForward Forward type to register.
szCallBack The forward to call


Returns any ItemInfo variable for weapon. Use the e_ItemInfo_* enum.

native wpnmod_get_weapon_info(const iId, const e_ItemInfo: iInfoType, any:...);

iId The ID of registered weapon or weapon entity Id.
iInfoType ItemInfo type

return Weapon's ItemInfo variable.


Возвращает количество зарегистрированного оружия.

native wpnmod_get_weapon_count();


Регистрация нового аммобокса в модуле.

native wpnmod_register_ammobox(const szClassname[]);

szName Название аммобокса ("uranium", "9mm", "my_ammo" и т.д.)


Регистрирует форвард аммобокса

native wpnmod_register_ammobox_forward(const iWeaponID, const e_AmmoFwds: iForward, const szCallBack[]);

iAmmoboxID The ID of registered ammobox
iForward Forward type to register
szCallBack The forward to call


Returns any AmmoInfo variable for ammobox. Use the e_AmmoInfo_* enum.

native wpnmod_get_ammobox_info(const iId, const e_AmmoInfo: iInfoType, any:...);

iId The ID of registered ammobox or ammobox entity Id
iInfoType e_AmmoInfo_* type

return Ammobox's AmmoInfo variable.


Возвращает количество зарегистрированных аммобоксов.

native wpnmod_get_ammobox_count();


Sets weapon's think function. Analogue of set_task native.

native wpnmod_set_think(const iItem, const szCallBack[]);

iItem Weapon's entity index
szCallBack The forward to call


Sets entity's touch function.

native wpnmod_set_touch(const iEntity, const szCallBack[]);

iEntity Entity index
szCallBack The forward to call


Играть анимацию оружия.

native wpnmod_send_weapon_anim(const iItem, const iAnim);

iItem Weapon's entity index.
iAnim Sequence number.


Sets the activity for player based on an event or current state.

native wpnmod_set_player_anim(const iPlayer, const PLAYER_ANIM: iPlayerAnim);

iPlayer Player index.
iPlayerAnim Animation (see PLAYER_ANIM constants).


Set animation extension for player.

native wpnmod_set_anim_ext(const iPlayer, const szAnimExt[]);

iPlayer Player id.
szAnimExt[] Animation extension prefix.


Get animation extension for player.

native wpnmod_get_anim_ext(const iPlayer, szDest[], iMaxLen);

iPlayer Player id.
szDest[] Buffer.
iMaxLen Max buffer size.


Sets an integer from private data.

native wpnmod_set_offset_int(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset, const iValue);

iEntity Entity index.
iOffset Offset (see e_Offsets constants).
iValue Value.


Returns an integer from private data.

native wpnmod_get_offset_int(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset);

iEntity Entity index.
iOffset Offset (see e_Offsets constants).

return value from private data. (integer)


Sets a float from private data.

native wpnmod_set_offset_float(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset, const Float: flValue);

iEntity Entity index.
iOffset Offset (see e_Offsets constants).
flValue Value.


Returns a float from private data.

native Float: wpnmod_get_offset_float(const iEntity, const e_Offsets: iOffset);

iEntity Entity index.
iOffset Offset (see e_Offsets constants).

return value from private data. (float)


Set the corresponding cbase field in private data with the index.

native wpnmod_set_offset_cbase(const iEntity, const e_CBase: iOffset, const iValue, const iExtraOffset = 0);

iEntity The entity to examine the private data
iOffset Offset (See e_CBase constants)
iValue The index to store
iExtraOffset The extra offset


This will return an index of the corresponding cbase field in private data.

native wpnmod_get_offset_cbase(const iEntity, const e_CBase: iOffset, const iExtraOffset = 0);

iEntity The entity to examine the private data.
iOffset Offset (See e_CBase constants).
iExtraOffset The extra offset.

return value from private data. (integer)


Default deploy function.

native wpnmod_default_deploy(const iItem, const szViewModel[], const szWeaponModel[], const iAnim, const szAnimExt[]);

iItem Weapon's entity index.
szViewModel Weapon's view model (V)
szWeaponModel Weapon's player model (P)
iAnim Sequence number of deploy animation
szAnimExt Animation extension


Default reload function.

native wpnmod_default_reload(const iItem, const iClipSize, const iAnim, const Float: flDelay);

iItem Weapon's entity index
iClipSize Maximum weapon's clip size
iAnim Sequence number of reload animation
flDelay Reload delay time


Sets the weapon so that it can play empty sound again.

native wpnmod_reset_empty_sound(const iItem);

iItem Индекс энтити оружия


Plays the weapon's empty sound.

native wpnmod_play_empty_sound(const iItem);

iItem Weapon's entity index.


Выстрел из оружия.

native wpnmod_fire_bullets(const iPlayer, const iAttacker, const iShotsCount, const Float: vecSpread[3], const Float: flDistance, const Float: flDamage, const bitsDamageType, const iTracerFreq);

iPlayer Player index.
iAttacker Attacker index (usualy it equal to previous param).
iShotsCount Number of shots.
vecSpread Spread.
flDistance Max shot distance.
flDamage Damage amount.
bitsDamageType Damage type
iTracerFreq Tracer frequancy


Fire default contact grenade from player's weapon.

native wpnmod_fire_contact_grenade(const iPlayer, const Float: vecStart[3], const Float: vecVelocity[3], const szCallBack[] = "");

iPlayer Player index
vecStart Start position
vecVelocity Velocity
szCallBack The forward to call on explode

return contact grenade index or -1 on failure. (integer)


Fire default timed grenade from player's weapon.

native wpnmod_fire_timed_grenade(const iPlayer, const Float: vecStart[3], const Float: vecVelocity[3], const Float: flTime = 3.0, const szCallBack[] = "");

iPlayer Player index.
vecStart Start position.
vecVelocity Velocity.
flTime Time before detonate.
szCallBack The forward to call on explode.

return contact grenade index or -1 on failure. (integer)


Make damage upon entities within a certain range. Only damage ents that can clearly be seen by the explosion.

native wpnmod_radius_damage(const Float: vecSrc[3], const iInflictor, const iAttacker, const Float: flDamage, const Float: flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType);
vecSrc Origin of explosion.
iInflictor Entity which causes the damage impact.
iAttacker Attacker index.
flDamage Damage amount.
flRadius Damage radius.
iClassIgnore Class to ignore.
bitsDamageType (DMG_BLAST and etc).


Same as wpnmod_radius_damage, but blocks 'ghost mines' and 'ghost nades'.

native wpnmod_radius_damage2(const Float: vecSrc[3], const iInflictor, const iAttacker, const Float: flDamage, const Float: flRadius, const iClassIgnore, const bitsDamageType);
vecSrc Origin of explosion.
iInflictor Entity which causes the damage impact.
iAttacker Attacker index.
flDamage Damage amount.
flRadius Damage radius.
iClassIgnore Class to ignore.
bitsDamageType (DMG_BLAST and etc).


Resets the global multi damage accumulator.

native wpnmod_clear_multi_damage();


Inflicts contents of global multi damage register on entity.

native wpnmod_apply_multi_damage(const iInflictor, const iAttacker);
iInflictor Entity which causes the damage impact.
iAttacker Attacker index.


Eject a brass from player's weapon.

native wpnmod_eject_brass(const iPlayer, const iShellModelIndex, const iSoundtype, const Float: flForwardScale, const Float: flUpScale, const Float: flRightScale);
iPlayer Player index.
iShellModelIndex Index of precached shell's model.
iSoundtype Bounce sound type (see defines).
flForwardScale Forward scale value.
flUpScale Up scale value.
flRightScale Right scale value.


Spawn an item by name.

native wpnmod_create_item(const szName[], const Float: vecOrigin[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, const Float: vecAngles[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
szName Item's name
vecOrigin Origin were to spawn
vecAngles Angles

return item entity index or -1 on failure. (integer)


Получает количество патронов заданного типа у игрока.

native wpnmod_get_player_ammo(const iPlayer, const szAmmoName[]);
iPlayer ID игрока
szAmmoName Название типа патронов ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.)


Set player's ammo inventory.

native wpnmod_set_player_ammo(const iPlayer, const szAmmoName[], const iAmount);
iPlayer ID игрока
szAmmoName Название типа патронов ("9mm", "uranium", "MY_AMMO" и т.д.)
iAmount Количество патронов


Returns index of random damage decal for given entity.

native wpnmod_get_damage_decal(const iEntity);
iEntity Энтити

return Index of damage decal. (integer)


Get player's gun position. Result will set in vecResult.

native wpnmod_get_gun_position(const iPlayer, Float: vecResult[3], const Float: flForwardScale = 1.0, const Float: flRightScale = 1.0, const Float: flUpScale = 1.0);
iPlayer Player index
vecResult Calculated gun position
flForwardScale Forward scale value
flUpScale Up scale value
flRightScale Right scale value


Explode and then remove entity.

native wpnmod_explode_entity(const iEntity, const bitsDamageType = 0, const szCallBack[] = "");


Draw decal by index or name on trace end.

native wpnmod_decal_trace(const iTrace, const iDecalIndex = -1, const szDecalName[] = "");
iTrace Trace handler.
iDecalIndex Decal index.
szDecalName Decal name.


Detects the texture of an entity from a direction.

native wpnmod_trace_texture(const iEntity, const Float: vecSrc[3], const Float: vecEnd[3], szTextureName[], const iLen);

iEntity Entity index that we want to get the texture.
vecSrc The point from where the trace starts.
vecEnd The point where the trace ends.
szTextureName Buffer to save the texture name.
iLen Buffer's length.