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Возвращает данные указанного объекта. Используйте перечисленные pev_* значения в константах FakeMeta, чтобы указать, какие данные получить.

native pev(_index,_value,any:...);
_index ID объекта
_value Pev данные, которые нужно получить (смотри константы Fakemeta).


Пример отправит значение здоровья в чат.

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
    register_clcmd("say /get_hp","get_hp");
public get_hp(id)
    new hp = pev(id,pev_health);
    client_print(0,print_chat,"Player hp: %d",hp);


Задает данные указанного объекта/энтити-объекта. Используйте перечисленные pev_* значения в константах FakeMeta, чтобы указать, какие данные получить.

native set_pev(_index,_value,any:...);
_index ID объекта
_value Pev данные, которые нужно задать (смотри константы Fakemeta).


Задаем игроку 150 здоровья.

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_clcmd("say /set_hp","set_hp")
public set_hp(id){

Примечание: Setting string data will automatically allocate a new string (via AllocString) If you have a string already allocated with your own call to AllocString, use set_pev_string_ptr instead.


Use this native to set a pev field to a string that is already allocated (via a function such as EngFunc_AllocString).

native set_pev_string(_index, _value, _string);
_index The entity index to set the value on.
_value The pev field to set - MUST be a string field.
_string The string handle, retrieved from places like AllocString.

Примечание: If you specify _value as anything other than string fields, an error will be thrown.

Примечание: Pass 0 as the _string field to set it to an empty string.


Проверяет объект на валидность. Возвращает 0 в случае не валидности энтити, 1 в случае валидности, 2 в случае валидности and it has private data (safe to use pdata natives on).

native pev_valid(entindex);
entindex Идентификатор энтити


Returns the serial number for each entity. The serial number is a unique identity generated when an entity is created.

native pev_serial(entindex);
entindex Идентификатор энтити


Returns any global variable inside globalvars_t structure. Use the glb_* enum. When returning data from glb_pStringBase (the global string table), you may give a pointer into that table in order to get different strings.

native global_get(_value, any:...);


new model[128];
new ptr = pev(id, pev_viewmodel);
global_get(glb_pStringBase, ptr, model, 127);


Returns an integer from private data. _linuxdiff is added into the _Offset if it's used on a linux server.

native get_pdata_int(_index,_Offset,_linuxdiff=5);


Sets an integer from private data. _linuxdiff is added into the _Offset if it's used on a linux server.

native set_pdata_int(_index,_Offset,_Value,_linuxdiff=5);


Returns a float from private data. _linuxdiff is added into the _Offset if it's used on a linux server.

native Float:get_pdata_float(_index,_Offset,_linuxdiff=5);


Sets a float from private data. _linuxdiff is added into the _Offset if it's used on a linux server.

native set_pdata_float(_index,_Offset,Float:_Value,_linuxdiff=5);


Tries to retrieve an edict (entity encapsulation) pointer from an entity's private data. This function is byte-addressable. Unlike get_pdata_int() which searches in byte increments of 4,

Возвращает -2 если энтити не найдена. -1 если найдена пустой энтити-объект. Otherwise, an entity index is returned.

native get_pdata_ent(_index, _offset, _linuxdiff=20);
_index Entity index
_offset Offset to search
_linuxdiff Linux difference


Registers a forward. Returns an id you can pass to unregister_forward.

native register_forward(_forwardType,const _function[],_post=0);


Unregisters a forward. The registerId must be from register_forward, and post/forwardtype must match what you registered the forward as.

native unregister_forward(_forwardType, registerId, post=0);


Returns data for metamod

native forward_return(type,any:...);


Returns the original return value of an engine function. This is only valid in forwards that were registered as post.

native get_orig_retval({Float,_}:...);
get_orig_retval() - no params, retrieves integer return value
get_orig_retval(&Float:value) - retrieves float return value by reference
get_orig_retval(value[], len) - retrives string return value


native engfunc(type,any:...);


native dllfunc(type,any:...);


only use this with functions that pass a Trace

native get_tr(TraceResult:tr_member, {Float,_}:...);


native set_tr(TraceResult:tr_member, {Float,_}:...);


Upgraded version takes in a TraceResult handle, optionally passed in as the last parameter to the TraceResult forward. Use 0 to specify the global traceresult handle set from calling some of the Engfucs.

native get_tr2(tr_handle, {TraceResult,_}:tr_member, {Float,_}:...);


native set_tr2(tr_handle, {TraceResult,_}:tr_member, {Float,_}:...);


Creates a traceresult handle. This value should never be altered. The handle can be used in get/set_tr2 and various traceresult engine functions. Return A new TraceResult handle.

native create_tr2();

Примечание: You must call free_tr2() on every handle made with create_tr2().


Frees a traceresult handle created with free_tr2(). Do not call this more than once per handle, or on handles not created through create_tr2().

native free_tr2(tr_handle);
tr_handle TraceResult handle created via create_tr2().


Same as above, use either a kvd_handle or 0 for global reserved kvd data kvd_handle is passed by the kvd hook, last param

native get_kvd(kvd_handle, KeyValueData:member, {Float,_}:...);


Using set_kvd with the handle from the hook for anything under KV_fHandled is considered an undefined operation (it could crash). You should fire a new keyvalues structure rather than changing the internal engine strings.

native set_kvd(kvd_handle, KeyValueData:member, {Float,_}:...);


These functions are used with the clientdata data structure (FM_UpdateClientData) Get: 0 extra params - Return integer; 1 extra param - by ref float or vector; 2 extra params - string and length. Use 0 for cd_handle to specify the global clientdata handle

native get_cd(cd_handle, ClientData:member, {Float,_}:...);


Set: Use anything. Use 0 for cd_handle to specify the global clientdata handle

native set_cd(cd_handle, ClientData:member, {Float,_}:...);


These functions are used with the entity_state data structure (FM_AddToFullPack). Get: 0 extra params - Return integer; 1 extra param - by ref float or vector or array. Use 0 for es_handle to specify the global entity_state handle

native get_es(es_handle, EntityState:member, {Float,_}:...);


Set: Use anything. Use 0 for es_handle to specify the global entity_state handle.

native set_es(es_handle, EntityState:member, {Float,_}:...);


These functions are used with the usercmd data structure (FM_CmdStart) Get: 0 extra params - Return integer; 1 extra param - by ref float or vector Use 0 for uc_handle to specify the global usercmd handle

native get_uc(uc_handle, UserCmd:member, {Float,_}:...);


Set: Use anything. Use 0 for uc_handle to specify the global usercmd handle.

native set_uc(uc_handle, UserCmd:member, {Float,_}:...);


In fact it's QWORD aligned rather than DWORD aligned, so the offset will be exactly half. Gets a string from a private offset. If byref is false, the string is treated as static rather than dynamic. linux value is what to add to the offset for linux servers. This cannot use a default value due to older version using an awkward default value.

native get_pdata_string(entity, offset, dest[], maxlength, byref=1, linux);

Примечание: that for the string offsets below, on AMD64, a byref (char **) offset is NOT the same as an int offset


Sets a string in a private offset. realloc = -1 - nonbyref copy (static realloc = 0 - copy byref, no realloc *(char **) realloc = 1 - reallocate new string with free+malloc realloc = 2 - reallocate new string with delete[]+new[] linux value is what to add to the offset for linux servers. this cannot use a default value due to older version using an awkward default value.

native set_pdata_string(entity, offset, const source[], realloc=2, linux);


Copies the given infoBuffer pointer into out[] An infoBuffer pointer is returned by EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer

native copy_infokey_buffer(infoBuffer, out[], maxlen);


Looks up the sequence for the entity. Return -1 on failed lookup, the sequence number on successful lookup.

native lookup_sequence(entity, const name[], &Float:framerate = 0.0, &bool:loops = false, &Float:groundspeed = 0.0);
entity The entity id to lookup.
name The sequence name to lookup, case insensitive. ("JUMP" would match "jump")
framerate The framerate of the sequence, if found.
loops Whether or not the sequence loops.
groundspeed The groundspeed setting of the sequence.


Sets a bone controller with the specified value. Return The percentage that the controller is extended (0.0 through 1.0)

native Float:set_controller(entity, controller, Float:value);
entity The entity id to set the value on.
controller Which controller to set (0 through 3).
value The value to set it to.

