Engine: различия между версиями

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[[Категория:AMX MOD X]]
== engine.inc ==
=== register_impulse ===
Registers a client impulse to a function.  Function is passed the ID of the user.
native register_impulse(impulse, const function[]);
=== register_touch ===
Registers a touch action to a function by classnames.  Use * to specify any classname.
native register_touch(const Touched[], const Toucher[], const function[]);
=== register_think ===
Registers a think action to a function by classname.
native register_think(const Classname[], const function[]);
'''NOTE:''' In old engine versions, this was not the case.  Values are now WINDOWS values. You must pass with the windows offset (e.g. if 230 on windows, pass 230 no matter what) The module will automatically add +5 for Linux.
=== precache_event ===
Precaches an event.
native precache_event(type, const Name[], any:...);
=== set_speak ===
Set a user's speak
native set_speak(iIndex, iSpeakFlags);
=== get_speak ===
Get a user's speak
native get_speak(iIndex);
=== drop_to_floor ===
Drops an entity to the floor (work?)
native drop_to_floor(entity);
=== get_info_keybuffer ===
Get whole buffer containing keys and their data.
native get_info_keybuffer(id, buffer[], length);
=== force_use ===
Use an entity with another entity. "entUsed" could be a hostage, "entUser" a player.
native force_use(entUsed, entUser);
=== get_global_float ===
native Float:get_global_float(variable);
=== get_global_int ===
native get_global_int(variable);
=== get_global_string ===
native get_global_string(variable, string[], maxlen);
=== get_global_vector ===
native get_global_vector(variable, Float:vector[3]);
===  get_global_edict ===
native get_global_edict(variable);
=== entity_set_size ===
Set entity bounds.
native entity_set_size(index, const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3]);
=== get_decal_index ===
Get decal index
native get_decal_index(const szDecalName[]);
=== entity_range ===
Returns the distance between two entities.
native Float:entity_range(ida,idb);
=== entity_get_int ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_get_int(iIndex, iKey);
=== entity_set_int ===
Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_set_int(iIndex, iKey, iVal);
=== entity_get_float ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native Float:entity_get_float(iIndex, iKey);
=== entity_set_float ===
native entity_set_float(iIndex, iKey, Float:iVal);
=== entity_get_vector ===
Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_get_vector(iIndex, iKey, Float:vRetVector[3]);
=== entity_set_vector ===
Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_set_vector(iIndex, iKey, const Float:vNewVector[3]);
=== entity_get_edict ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_get_edict(iIndex, iKey);
=== entity_set_edict ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_set_edict(iIndex, iKey, iNewIndex);
=== entity_get_string ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_get_string(iIndex, iKey, szReturn[], iRetLen);
=== entity_set_string ===
Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_set_string(iIndex, iKey, const szNewVal[]);
=== entity_get_byte ===
Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_get_byte(iIndex, iKey);
=== entity_set_byte ===
Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.
native entity_set_byte(iIndex, iKey, iVal);
=== create_entity ===
Creates an entity, will return the index of the created entity. ClassName must be valid.
native create_entity(const szClassname[]);
=== find_ent_by_class ===
Finds an entity in the world, will return 0 if nothing is found
native find_ent_by_class(iIndex, const szClass[]);
=== find_ent_by_owner ===
native find_ent_by_owner(iIndex, const szClass[], iOwner, iJghgType=0);
=== find_ent_by_target ===
native find_ent_by_target(iIndex, const szClass[]);
=== find_ent_by_tname ===
native find_ent_by_tname(iIndex, const szClass[]);
=== find_ent_by_model ===
native find_ent_by_model(iIndex, const szClass[], const szModel[]);
=== find_ent_in_sphere ===
native find_ent_in_sphere(start_from_ent, const Float:origin[3], Float:radius);
=== call_think ===
this will CBaseEntity::Think() or something from the entity
native call_think(entity);
=== message_fbegin ===
Message functions, read message.inc (the same but more faster than fakemeta)
native message_fbegin(dest, msg_type, Float:origin[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0},player=0);
=== emessage_fbegin ===
native emessage_fbegin(dest, msg_type, Float:origin[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0}, player=0);
=== ewrite_fcoord ===
Message functions, read message.inc (the same but more faster than fakemeta)
native ewrite_fcoord(Float:coord);
=== write_fcoord ===
native write_fcoord(Float:coord);
=== write_fangle ===
native write_fangle(Float:angle);
=== ewrite_fangle ===
native ewrite_fangle(Float:angle);
=== is_valid_ent ===
Is entity valid?
native is_valid_ent(iIndex);
=== entity_set_origin ===
Proper origin setting, keeps updated with Half-Life engine.
native entity_set_origin(iIndex, const Float:fNewOrigin[3]);
=== entity_set_model ===
Sets the model of an Entity.
native entity_set_model(iIndex, const szModel[]);
=== remove_entity ===
Remove an entity from the world.
native remove_entity(iIndex);
=== entity_count ===
Return current number of entities in the map
native entity_count();
=== fake_touch ===
Simulate two entities colliding/touching.
native fake_touch(entTouched, entToucher);
=== get_keyvalue ===
native get_keyvalue(entity, const szKey[], value[], maxLength);
=== copy_keyvalue ===
native copy_keyvalue(szClassName[],sizea,szKeyName[],sizeb,szValue[],sizec);
=== DispatchSpawn ===
Runs the GameDLL's DispatchSpawn for an entity, I think it's used with DispatchKeyValue.
native DispatchSpawn(iIndex);
=== radius_damage ===
Hurts/Kills players in a sphere, like an explosion, Multiplier determines damage.
native radius_damage(const Float:fExplodeAt[3], iDamageMultiplier, iRadiusMultiplier);
=== point_contents ===
Will return the contents of a point (inside map? in sky? outside map? etc.).
native point_contents(const Float:fCheckAt[3]);
=== trace_line ===
Trace a line from Start(X, Y, Z) to End(X, Y, Z), will return the point hit in vReturn[3] and an entity index if an entity is hit.
native trace_line(iIgnoreEnt, const Float:fStart[3], const Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]);
=== trace_hull ===
Traces a hull.
native trace_hull(const Float:origin[3],hull,ignoredent=0,ignoremonsters=0);
=== trace_normal ===
Traces a line, and returns the normal to the plane hit in vReturn. Returns 0 if theres no normal.
native trace_normal(iIgnoreEnt, const Float:fStart[3], const Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]);
=== get_grenade_id ===
Gets the ID of a grenade.
native get_grenade_id(id, model[], len, grenadeid = 0);
=== halflife_time ===
Gets gpGlobals->time from [[Half-Life]]
native Float:halflife_time();
=== set_lights ===
Sets map lighting, #OFF to disable.
native set_lights(const Lighting[]);
=== attach_view ===
Sets Player's View to entity iTargetIndex.
native attach_view(iIndex, iTargetIndex);
=== set_view ===
Sets Player's View Mode.
native set_view(iIndex, ViewType);
=== playback_event ===
Direct copy of PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL from Metamod/HLSDK.  If you don't know how that works, you probably shouldn't be using it.
native playback_event(flags,invoker,eventindex,Float:delay,const Float:origin[3],const Float:angles[3],Float:fparam1,Float:fparam2,iparam1,iparam2,bparam1,bparam2);
=== get_usercmd ===
Gets parameters sent from CmdStart. Note that you will receive modified values if any other plugin have changed them.
native get_usercmd(type,any:...);
=== set_usercmd ===
Sets the parameters sent from CmdStart. Note that your changes will be seen by any other plugin doing get_usercmd()
native set_usercmd(type,any:...);
=== eng_get_string ===
Converts a string offset into a real string. Some of the forwards in fakemeta uses string offsets. (FM_CreateNamedEntity)
native eng_get_string(_string, _returnString[], _len);
=== pfn_touch ===
Called when 2 entities touch. ptr - touched entity, ptd - toucher entity.
forward pfn_touch(ptr, ptd);
=== server_frame ===
Called once every server frame. May cause lag.
forward server_frame();
=== client_kill ===
Called when a client types kill in console.
forward client_kill(id);
=== client_PreThink ===
Forward for PreThink() on a player.
forward client_PreThink(id);
=== client_PostThink ===
Forward for PostThink() on a player.
forward client_PostThink(id);
=== client_impulse ===
Forward for impulses.
forward client_impulse(id, impulse);
=== pfn_think ===
Called when an entity "thinks" (DispatchThink)
forward pfn_think(entid);
=== pfn_playbackevent ===
Called when an event is played
forward pfn_playbackevent(flags, entid, eventid, Float:delay, Float:Origin[3], Float:Angles[3], Float:fparam1, Float:fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2);
=== pfn_keyvalue ===
Called when an entity gets a keyvalue set on it from the engine (ie: map load)  Use copy_keyvalue to get the keyvalue information.
forward pfn_keyvalue(entid);
=== pfn_spawn ===
Called when an entity is spawned
forward pfn_spawn(entid);
=== find_sphere_class ===
As above, but returns number of ents stored in entlist. Use to find a specific type of entity classname (specify in _lookforclassname) around a certain entity specified in aroundent. All matching ents are stored in entlist. Specify max amount of entities to find in maxents. If aroundent is 0 its origin is not used, but origin in 6th parameter. Ie, do not specify 6th parameter (origin) if you specified an entity in aroundent.
native find_sphere_class(aroundent, const _lookforclassname[], Float:radius, entlist[], maxents, const Float:origin[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
=== is_in_viewcone ===
SDK function - checks if an origin is in an entity's view cone Set use3d to 1 to do the calculation in 3D. Otherwise it will be in 2D.
native is_in_viewcone(entity, const Float:origin[3], use3d = 0);
=== is_visible ===
SDK function - checks if an entity is visible to an entity
native is_visible(entity, target);
=== is_borderplane_visible ===
Function checks 4 points on a plane made on an entity based on its bounding box (it is like 4 trace lines made to 4 different points calculated by the bounding box!). Returns 1 if one point from the borderplane is visible.
native is_borderplane_visible(Float:startorigin[3], Float:endorigin[3], Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], ignore = DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, ignore_ent = 0, Float:mulconst = 1.0);
{| class="wide"
| '''startorigin'''
| Start point (this is the point where the trace starts!)
| '''endorigin'''
| End origin, from this origin the plane will be created in right,left,up and down
| '''mins and maxs'''
| Are the bounding box of the target entity, use customs if you like
| '''ignore'''
| Ignore property (see trace line tutorial)
| '''ignore_ent'''
| Ignore entity
| '''mulconst'''
| This is a multiplication constant, normally the plane has the size of the cube that surronds the entity. If this constant for example 0.5 then the plane is 1/2 times smaller
=== is_visible_origin ===
The same as is_visible but checks origin not an entity
native is_visible_origin(entity, Float:origin[3]);
=== in_front ===
Returns 1 if origin is in front of the entity, 0 if not
native in_front(entity, const Float:origin[3]);
=== trace_texture ===
The same as fakemeta trace texture but works better, it is more efficient, and it also does not crash the server. Return 1 when we have a valid texture, 0 when not.
native trace_texture(entity, Float:v1[3], Float:v2[3], texture[], len);
=== trace_forward ===
Added at twistedeuphoria's request, see funcwiki for details.
native trace_forward(const Float:start[3], const Float:angle[3], Float:give, ignoreEnt, &Float:hitX, &Float:hitY, &Float:shortestDistance, &Float:shortestDistLow, &Float:shortestDistHigh);
== engine_stock.inc  ==

Текущая версия на 14:42, 14 июня 2013




Registers a client impulse to a function. Function is passed the ID of the user.

native register_impulse(impulse, const function[]);


Registers a touch action to a function by classnames. Use * to specify any classname.

native register_touch(const Touched[], const Toucher[], const function[]);


Registers a think action to a function by classname.

native register_think(const Classname[], const function[]);

NOTE: In old engine versions, this was not the case. Values are now WINDOWS values. You must pass with the windows offset (e.g. if 230 on windows, pass 230 no matter what) The module will automatically add +5 for Linux.


Precaches an event.

native precache_event(type, const Name[], any:...);


Set a user's speak

native set_speak(iIndex, iSpeakFlags);


Get a user's speak

native get_speak(iIndex);


Drops an entity to the floor (work?)

native drop_to_floor(entity);


Get whole buffer containing keys and their data.

native get_info_keybuffer(id, buffer[], length);


Use an entity with another entity. "entUsed" could be a hostage, "entUser" a player.

native force_use(entUsed, entUser);


native Float:get_global_float(variable);


native get_global_int(variable);


native get_global_string(variable, string[], maxlen);


native get_global_vector(variable, Float:vector[3]);


native get_global_edict(variable);


Set entity bounds.

native entity_set_size(index, const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3]);


Get decal index

native get_decal_index(const szDecalName[]);


Returns the distance between two entities.

native Float:entity_range(ida,idb);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_get_int(iIndex, iKey);


Set things in an entities Entvars Struct. native entity_set_int(iIndex, iKey, iVal);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native Float:entity_get_float(iIndex, iKey);


native entity_set_float(iIndex, iKey, Float:iVal);


Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_get_vector(iIndex, iKey, Float:vRetVector[3]);


Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_set_vector(iIndex, iKey, const Float:vNewVector[3]);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_get_edict(iIndex, iKey);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_set_edict(iIndex, iKey, iNewIndex);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_get_string(iIndex, iKey, szReturn[], iRetLen);


Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_set_string(iIndex, iKey, const szNewVal[]);


Get things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_get_byte(iIndex, iKey);


Set things in an entities Entvars Struct.

native entity_set_byte(iIndex, iKey, iVal);


Creates an entity, will return the index of the created entity. ClassName must be valid.

native create_entity(const szClassname[]);


Finds an entity in the world, will return 0 if nothing is found

native find_ent_by_class(iIndex, const szClass[]);


native find_ent_by_owner(iIndex, const szClass[], iOwner, iJghgType=0);


native find_ent_by_target(iIndex, const szClass[]);


native find_ent_by_tname(iIndex, const szClass[]);


native find_ent_by_model(iIndex, const szClass[], const szModel[]);


native find_ent_in_sphere(start_from_ent, const Float:origin[3], Float:radius);


this will CBaseEntity::Think() or something from the entity

native call_think(entity);


Message functions, read message.inc (the same but more faster than fakemeta)

native message_fbegin(dest, msg_type, Float:origin[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0},player=0);


native emessage_fbegin(dest, msg_type, Float:origin[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0}, player=0);


Message functions, read message.inc (the same but more faster than fakemeta)

native ewrite_fcoord(Float:coord);


native write_fcoord(Float:coord);


native write_fangle(Float:angle);


native ewrite_fangle(Float:angle);


Is entity valid?

native is_valid_ent(iIndex);


Proper origin setting, keeps updated with Half-Life engine.

native entity_set_origin(iIndex, const Float:fNewOrigin[3]);


Sets the model of an Entity.

native entity_set_model(iIndex, const szModel[]);


Remove an entity from the world.

native remove_entity(iIndex);


Return current number of entities in the map

native entity_count();


Simulate two entities colliding/touching.

native fake_touch(entTouched, entToucher);


native get_keyvalue(entity, const szKey[], value[], maxLength);


native copy_keyvalue(szClassName[],sizea,szKeyName[],sizeb,szValue[],sizec);


Runs the GameDLL's DispatchSpawn for an entity, I think it's used with DispatchKeyValue.

native DispatchSpawn(iIndex);


Hurts/Kills players in a sphere, like an explosion, Multiplier determines damage.

native radius_damage(const Float:fExplodeAt[3], iDamageMultiplier, iRadiusMultiplier);


Will return the contents of a point (inside map? in sky? outside map? etc.).

native point_contents(const Float:fCheckAt[3]);


Trace a line from Start(X, Y, Z) to End(X, Y, Z), will return the point hit in vReturn[3] and an entity index if an entity is hit.

native trace_line(iIgnoreEnt, const Float:fStart[3], const Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]);


Traces a hull.

native trace_hull(const Float:origin[3],hull,ignoredent=0,ignoremonsters=0);


Traces a line, and returns the normal to the plane hit in vReturn. Returns 0 if theres no normal.

native trace_normal(iIgnoreEnt, const Float:fStart[3], const Float:fEnd[3], Float:vReturn[3]);


Gets the ID of a grenade.

native get_grenade_id(id, model[], len, grenadeid = 0);


Gets gpGlobals->time from Half-Life

native Float:halflife_time();


Sets map lighting, #OFF to disable.

native set_lights(const Lighting[]);


Sets Player's View to entity iTargetIndex.

native attach_view(iIndex, iTargetIndex);


Sets Player's View Mode.

native set_view(iIndex, ViewType);


Direct copy of PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL from Metamod/HLSDK. If you don't know how that works, you probably shouldn't be using it.

native playback_event(flags,invoker,eventindex,Float:delay,const Float:origin[3],const Float:angles[3],Float:fparam1,Float:fparam2,iparam1,iparam2,bparam1,bparam2);


Gets parameters sent from CmdStart. Note that you will receive modified values if any other plugin have changed them.

native get_usercmd(type,any:...);


Sets the parameters sent from CmdStart. Note that your changes will be seen by any other plugin doing get_usercmd()

native set_usercmd(type,any:...);


Converts a string offset into a real string. Some of the forwards in fakemeta uses string offsets. (FM_CreateNamedEntity)

native eng_get_string(_string, _returnString[], _len);


Called when 2 entities touch. ptr - touched entity, ptd - toucher entity.

forward pfn_touch(ptr, ptd);


Called once every server frame. May cause lag.

forward server_frame();


Called when a client types kill in console.

forward client_kill(id);


Forward for PreThink() on a player.

forward client_PreThink(id);


Forward for PostThink() on a player.

forward client_PostThink(id);


Forward for impulses.

forward client_impulse(id, impulse);


Called when an entity "thinks" (DispatchThink)

forward pfn_think(entid);


Called when an event is played

forward pfn_playbackevent(flags, entid, eventid, Float:delay, Float:Origin[3], Float:Angles[3], Float:fparam1, Float:fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2);


Called when an entity gets a keyvalue set on it from the engine (ie: map load) Use copy_keyvalue to get the keyvalue information. forward pfn_keyvalue(entid);


Called when an entity is spawned

forward pfn_spawn(entid);


As above, but returns number of ents stored in entlist. Use to find a specific type of entity classname (specify in _lookforclassname) around a certain entity specified in aroundent. All matching ents are stored in entlist. Specify max amount of entities to find in maxents. If aroundent is 0 its origin is not used, but origin in 6th parameter. Ie, do not specify 6th parameter (origin) if you specified an entity in aroundent.

native find_sphere_class(aroundent, const _lookforclassname[], Float:radius, entlist[], maxents, const Float:origin[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0});


SDK function - checks if an origin is in an entity's view cone Set use3d to 1 to do the calculation in 3D. Otherwise it will be in 2D.

native is_in_viewcone(entity, const Float:origin[3], use3d = 0);


SDK function - checks if an entity is visible to an entity

native is_visible(entity, target);


Function checks 4 points on a plane made on an entity based on its bounding box (it is like 4 trace lines made to 4 different points calculated by the bounding box!). Returns 1 if one point from the borderplane is visible.

native is_borderplane_visible(Float:startorigin[3], Float:endorigin[3], Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], ignore = DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, ignore_ent = 0, Float:mulconst = 1.0);
startorigin Start point (this is the point where the trace starts!)
endorigin End origin, from this origin the plane will be created in right,left,up and down
mins and maxs Are the bounding box of the target entity, use customs if you like
ignore Ignore property (see trace line tutorial)
ignore_ent Ignore entity
mulconst This is a multiplication constant, normally the plane has the size of the cube that surronds the entity. If this constant for example 0.5 then the plane is 1/2 times smaller


The same as is_visible but checks origin not an entity

native is_visible_origin(entity, Float:origin[3]);


Returns 1 if origin is in front of the entity, 0 if not

native in_front(entity, const Float:origin[3]);


The same as fakemeta trace texture but works better, it is more efficient, and it also does not crash the server. Return 1 when we have a valid texture, 0 when not.

native trace_texture(entity, Float:v1[3], Float:v2[3], texture[], len);


Added at twistedeuphoria's request, see funcwiki for details.

native trace_forward(const Float:start[3], const Float:angle[3], Float:give, ignoreEnt, &Float:hitX, &Float:hitY, &Float:shortestDistance, &Float:shortestDistLow, &Float:shortestDistHigh);
